Goethe-Schiller Archiv is a small handwritten booklet, stating on each
doublepage the subsequent editions of Nietzsche titles [GSA 72/2841]. The lefthand page
for JENSEITS VON GUT UND BÖSE is reproduced below as an example, the
righthand page being blank. GSA 72/2841 The handwriting of
the main text is extremely regular, suggesting that this text is written line
after line and certainly not over the years 1886-1906. It thus must be
written off from more basic Naumann production records. As those basic
records were lost however in allied bombing on The editions are
sequentially numbered, starting with edition numbers and continuing after
1899 with a count in 1000. The blue fields are my later addition [on a copy],
indicating editions in Fraktur, that are of no
academic interest. The remaining editions are in Antiqua, the type also
preferred by Nietzsche. For purposes of
THE CANON EXTENDED we can further disregard the 1st edition, and thus the
following 10 editions in Antiqua remain: 2 1891 3 1893 4 1894 Gast 5 1895 Koegel 6 1896 Koegel reprint 7 1896 zum 8. 1000 1899 8. und 9.
1000 1899 Seidl 13. 1000 1901 16. und
17. 1000 1903 Seidl reprint Five of those are
included in editions of the Werke, as indicated by the name of its editor.
The remaining editions were published as Einzelausgaben, see the complete
list below. There is one
exception: the 7th edition mentioned by the Auflagenbuch [and also in 1899 by
Seidl in his Nachbericht to the 8/9 edition, see our book 2666] cannot be found
in actual copies. On the other hand 6th editions do occur not only in Volume
VII of the Koegel-Werke, but also as Einzelauflage [see our book 23566]. As
both were printed at about the same time, evidently erroneously both were
marked 6th edition on title. The Auflagenbuch
is quite accurate, in the sense that almost no actual copies can be found,
that are not recorded in it. The only exception is a 12th edition of
Zarathustra [see Koegel Werke], that is in this collection and not in the
Auflagenbuch. There are understandable underlying biographical reasons for
this omission. A contrario the
fact that the present collection includes all of the 2nd and later editions
printed in Antiqua mentioned in the Auflagenbuch illustrates, that the
editions mentioned were actually printed. . |