NIETZSCHE’S WERKE Edited by Arthur Seidl
A portrait of the author in volume I
and VI. Facsimiles of manuscript fragments in volume I, II, III, VI and VIII.
The pagination agrees to that of the Weimarer Nietzsche Bibliographie and is
not detailed here as all copies are publishers bindings anyhow. Most editions comprise 2000 copies, only
1904 Za is 3000 copies. On title the # of thousands [T] are indicated. A strange copy is the 1900 MA I
marked 8th edition. This is recorded in the
Auflagenbuch, however in an edition of 1000 copies. There is a second line
with the same year of publication, also 1000 copies marked 8-9T. Most likely
there is only 1 edition of 2000 copies marked 8th edition as our book 12801. |
Herausgegeben von Arthur Seidl |